Mondays are typically one of our flexible days during the week (no commitments or set schedule). Today we desperately needed groceries, so we headed to the store mid-morning. I know a lot of parents try to avoid shopping with their toddlers. I can relate... there's nothing worse than a 2-year-old meltdown in aisle 11. I've experienced a few of them, that's for sure. But for the most part, our hour or two at the store is a relatively enjoyable experience.
Making Grocery Shopping with a Toddler Fun:
- Pretend it's a museum. Even Wal-Mart is interesting to a young kid. The Arrow loves fish, so the first thing we do when we walk in the store is to go and see "Dorothy." (The name of Elmo's pet fish, naturally.) Lately we've been swinging by the obnoxious holiday displays so he can see a gigantic inflatable Santa pop out of a Christmas tree (who buys this stuff?!)
- Let them help. I explain to The Arrow what we're looking for and ask for his help. He also gets to drop fruits and veggies in the plastic produce bags. And sometimes if I'm feeling brave, I let him hold my coupons or my list.
- Snacks. Duh. You might need one of these.
- Let them choose. For the last couple of months, I've let The Arrow pick something to get while we're in the produce aisle. He's much more interested in actually eating the food he picks when we get home. Three cheers for broccoli consumption!
Putting Pinterest to Work
I recently got sucked into the big, deep hole that is Pinterest. And while it's been an enormous time-waster (but also so fun and addicting!), I'm determined to make it a more productive use of my time. So my new goal is to do at least one of the kid-friendly activities and cook at least one of the recipes I've "pinned" each week.
(Interested in learning more about Pinterest? You can follow my boards over here.)
If it's one thing that I've taken away from The Arrow's start of preschool this year, it's that he loves little crafty projects (a boy after his mama's heart, that's for sure!) Aside from coloring, we haven't done any type of artwork or crafts at home. I'm hoping some of the ideas I'm finding on Pinterest will help change that. So today after lunch, I decided to make Leaf Finger Puppets with The Arrow. We made turkeys, and our version turned out like this:
I originally found them at a great kiddie craft blog called Make and Takes. We made them a little more low-maintenance and cheap, but same general idea.
Then came naptime and a snack, followed by those two hours when we try to amuse ourselves while waiting for Dad to get home. All the while, we were smelling this Spinach Lasagna cooking in the crockpot. The Arrow woke up from his nap not feeling all that great, so he was particularly cranky and difficult to please today. Ugh.
Then the heavens opened up, choirs of angels sang, and the sound of the garage door opening filled the room. DAD'S HOME!!!!! We usually eat dinner right away, and then my husband plays with The Arrow upstairs while I clean up and relax amid peace and quiet for 20 minutes or so. Tonight, they capped off their dad and son time with a bike ride. I retired my bike a few weeks ago when it was getting a little too painful (and my thighs were hitting my belly!)
When they got home, we ate popsicles on the front porch. Then, blissful bedtime. Here are a few more photos that captured our day:
Carefully selecting his leaves for his turkey puppets. |
Coloring his turkey. |
Snuggling with Mom, eating a popsicle |
How do you make trips to the grocery store more fun? Any crafts you enjoy doing with young kids? Feel free to leave a comment.
Tomorrow I'll be writing about mom's groups and pumpkins!
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Sounds like a fun day!
ReplyDeleteI want to come over and make turkey leaf crafts!
ReplyDeleteI love reading about your day and feeling NORMAL! On days that daddy has class, we hang out in the front yard and beg people to play with us-we get to the point that we both need neighbor/stranger interaction. An activity we like to break up the day is: bathe. We will wash his dinos, cars, play kitchen items, or fill the tub with a hand full of food coloring ice cubes. It's also a good time to role play with the toys and model greetings & sharing. Time filler, disinfects, and gets creative!
ReplyDeleteOh and to help the brutal grocery shopping trip, headphones/ipod or singing about the food we are looking for helps for a bit. (Kind bars, lookin for the kind bars, crunchy and yummy kind bars) All apologies for those shopping around us!
ReplyDeleteLove your story of grocery trip & how to make more fun! We usually try to be out w/in the hour as my boys are done by then. We do usually try for outdoor time after that. They love the outdoors! For crafts & fun art, try playing w/ shaving cream & make art designs on kid plastic picnic table or your outdoor table (sc cleans it really well too!) Or 1 paper, golf balls & paint in old coffee can, put in lid, roll or shaje it & then see your art design. Finger paint is fun or use stamps. Outdoor, w/ newspaper down & supervised of course.
ReplyDeleteThe look on his face while coloring his turkey is SO sweet! And I'm now following you on Pinterest. I'm a fellow addict ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is great... not only the documentation but the tips too! I love the picture of him looking at the Christmas display at Wal-Mart. Those are the things we never capture but are really what happens in our daily life.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hear ya about Pinterest. I'm trying to be more crafty at home with the kids too-- seem to have lost much craftiness since staying busy with them and working!
This is a fantastic post!! I love the way you describe "Dad's arrival"! My daughters & I feel the same way when the hubs arrives home after a long day. PS -- I just wrote a post on my new obsession: Pinterest last week. Such a fun time-sucker!
ReplyDeleteSuper cute! They turned out great!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure who buys the enormous displays at the stores either, but I'm all about free entertainment and if the kid loves watching them, then I call that a win win.
ReplyDeleteI'm avoiding Pintrest as I'm already overwhelmed, but everyone who tries it loves it and comes out addicted just like you.
Love the turkey craft!!