Thursday, December 2, 2010

Soaring above Natural Bridge

I was recently asked what scared me most about being a mom. There are so many ways to approach a question like that. Philosophically, spiritually, emotionally.

But my biggest should-I-really-be-doing-this-with-a-baby scaredy-cat moment? Taking my squirmy 1-year-old on a skylift high above Natural Bridge State Park in Kentucky. The only thing between him and the ground 50 feet below was our arms.

Beautiful? Yes. Frightening? Absolutely. The views? Worth it.

And the only time I let go of him? To take this picture.

See Dad's death grip?
As you can see in the arrow's eyes, though, he was a little scared too,
so he barely moved a muscle the entire 10-minute ride up.

You can read more about our trip to the Red River Gorge area of Kentucky last April here and here.

This post is a part of Photo Friday at Delicious Baby.


  1. Oh my goodness! That looks like so much fun! Beautiful. I'd be nervous too, but good for you for being brave and trying it.

  2. Love this post! Arrow does look a little scared but very, very cute! Good on you for doing this, it looks fab.

  3. yikes! i'd have been scared! fun photos, though...

  4. Wow! What a gorgeous adventure (and glad your little Arrow wasn't too squirmy, I can see why you would all be a bit nervous!).
