Thursday, September 1, 2011

They Work Hard for the Money

In honor of the Labor Day holiday weekend, I thought I'd share some fun and interesting photos from unique jobs we've spotted while traveling.

Can you imagine cleaning this tank at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa?

I bet this dinosaur has both delighted and petrified many tiny visitors to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. (The Arrow had trouble deciding which emotion to go with.)

During our trip to Boston, this young man maneuvered our Swan Boat around the pond by pedaling. He claimed it's only a little harder than riding a bike, but with about 20 people on the boat, I'm not so sure I believe him.

And this grist mill operator at Spring Mill State Park knew so much about the fascinating history of the mill. I can't imagine giving a 20 minute speech while operating a 100+ year-old piece of equipment.

While my family is all play and no work during our travels, we sure do appreciate all the hard working folks who make our trips so much fun! Happy Labor Day!

This post is a part of Photo Friday at Delicious Baby.


  1. What a great post! It does take a lot of people to help make those vacation memories.

  2. great photos and a great idea! happy Labor day to you too.

  3. What a nice idea for a Labour Day post - we don't stop often enough to think about all the people working hard to make our vacations special.

  4. I love these photos - what a great tribute to Labor Day!


  5. i'd sure not like to be the dinosaur. all those kids!!

  6. Great idea for a post! (I might copy it!)

  7. Oh yes! Aquarium tank cleaner - what a cool job!
