Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Three Years Ago Today...

Happy 3rd Birthday to Big Arrow!

He'll always be the one who started it all, who launched us into the category of family travel. And if he didn't love our "adventures" (what he calls any outing/trip/vacation) so much, we probably wouldn't do them nearly as often as we do.

We couldn't possibly love him more, from his quirky ways (he correctly used the word "vermillion" in a sentence this week), to his adorableness (anytime he curls up to read a book with us, he always holds our arm), to his tenderness (like the lengths he goes to keep his baby brother from crying), to his silliness (you should really see his favorite dance move, the "booty shake"), to his fly-off-the-handle tantrums (yes, even those).

He's pretty timid by nature, and I think travel has really helped him to embrace stepping out of his comfort zone from time to time. There are no limit to the number of questions he asks me on any given day, and I'm thrilled to know that every museum visit, trek to the zoo, and roadtrip expands his mind even further.

It's been three years of nonstop fun. Nonstop energy. Nonstop affection. I wouldn't trade in a single day (well... I could have done without the 50+ hours of labor...)

Here's to many more birthdays and many more adventures shared with this handsome little man.

Riding the train to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.

And don't worry, Little Arrow is going get some love and be the star of the show in tomorrow's post!


  1. Happy Birthday Big Arrow! You're doing a great job being the star of your Mom's posts!

  2. I hope he had a wonderful birthday!!
