Thursday, March 8, 2012

Snow at the Chicago Children's Museum

We never really got any decent snow here this winter, which was very unusual. And it's too bad, because for the first time, Big Arrow was actually really excited about the idea of snow. He wanted to try sledding and make snow angels. Alas, the Snow Much Fun exhibit at the Chicago Children's Museum was as close as he got this year.

He got to dress up some snowmen.

And take a twirl on the ice rink (he was mostly interested in the cute museum staffer who noticed he was feeling a little shy and offered him a dance).

And we even marveled at the snow flakes coming down.

Children's museums are such great places for imaginative play. In fact, I'd much rather watch him play with snow at a museum than shovel my driveway!

Next week I'll be writing more about our time at the Chicago Children's Museum, so check back!

This post is a part of Photo Friday at Delicious Baby.


  1. Arrow! Putting the moves on the museum staffer...nice! Was there no snow in Chicago when you were there either? I thought they had pretty serious winters out there?

  2. Oh, he's gonna be a lady killer that one! :lol:

  3. The dressing up snowmen looks like such a cute and fun activity for kids. Looking forward to reading your post on the museum.
